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Vulnerability disclosures

While I do not actively search for vulnerabilities in my spare time, sometimes I find them by accident. If it is in (open source) software that I like, I will usually disclose it to the vendor. Not listed here are advisories published in my day job.


  • A stored XSS in the MkDocs static site generator. This is a low risk vulnerability, since only authors of the pages can exploit it. This problem was fixed in MkDocs version 1.3.0. Disclosure via GitHub issue #2790.1
  • Information disclosure and missing authentication in PowerHub. Due to PowerHub not authenticating clients, an attacker can pretend to be a client and steal clipboard entries, custom modules (which may contain valuable exploits) and up- and download files. These problems were fixed in PowerHub version 2.0.0. Disclosure via a small advisory 2022-001.

  1. If the link will fail in the future, here is a screenshot. 

Last update: 2023-08-02